• add dataexplorer()
  • faster method to get data
  • fixed ilo new path
  • fixed sdmx new methods
  • add distribution feature
  • fixed dependency issues
  • update vignette
  • add data explorer app
  • sdmx_ilostat new path
  • test with R 4.0
  • Rilostat replace ilostat
  • refresh doc
  • change ilostat path
  • remove collection field
  • sdmx_ilostat new path
  • use dplyr > 8
  • add vignettes intro
  • add pkgdown website
  • add segment ‘modelled_estimates’ for new dta files
  • sdmx_ilostat return threshold error
  • fixed .onload warnings
  • reviewed import packages version
  • fixed sdmx codelist annotation multilang issues
  • revised import package list and version
  • fixed tuto mapper error
  • first release