World map of NEET


X <- get_ilostat(id = 'EIP_2EET_SEX_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filters = list(time = '2018', sex='T')) %>% 
  filter(str_sub(ref_area,1,1) != 'X') %>%
  select(ref_area, obs_value) %>%
  left_join(Rilostat:::ilostat_ref_area_mapping %>%
              select(ref_area, ref_area_plotly) %>%
              label_ilostat(code = 'ref_area'),
            by = "ref_area") %>%
  filter(!obs_value %in% NA) %>%
  mutate(tot_obs_value = cut(obs_value, quantile(obs_value, na.rm = TRUE), include.lowest = TRUE))

X %>%   plot_geo( width = 900, height = 600) %>%
            z = ~obs_value, 
            color = ~obs_value, 
            colors=c("green", "blue"), 
            text = ~ref_area.label, 
            locations = ~ref_area_plotly, 
            marker = list(line = list(color = toRGB("grey"), width = 0.5)),
            showscale = TRUE) %>%
        colorbar(title = '(%)', len = 0.5, ticksuffix="%") %>%
            title = list(   text = "Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) in 2018",
                            font = list(size = 18)),
            font = (size = 1),
            geo = list( showframe = TRUE,
                        showcoastlines = TRUE,
                        projection = list(type = 'Mercator'),
                        showCountries = TRUE,
                        resolution = 110), 
            annotations = 
                list(   x = 1, y = 1,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

Stacked area graph of Employment distribution by sector

# Stacked area graph
# Data: Global employment distribution by occupation -- ILO modelled estimates, November 2018


# -- Relative distribution

dat_emp1 <- get_ilostat(id = 'EMP_2EMP_SEX_OCU_DT_A', 
                        segment = 'indicator', 
                        type = "both",
                        time_format = "num", 
                        filters = list(ref_area = 'X01', 
                                       sex = 'SEX_T')) %>% 
  filter(classif1 != 'OCU_DETAILS_TOTAL') %>%
  mutate(distribution = obs_value/100) %>%
  select(time, classif1, distribution) 

# Plot (With the relative distribution)

dat_emp1 %>% 
        ggplot( aes(x=time, 
                    text=classif1)) +
  geom_area() +
  scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
  scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
  labs(x="", y="")  +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 10), labels=percent, expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1991, 2023, 2), lim = c(1991, 2023), expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
  theme_ipsum() +
        legend.position="none") +
  annotate( "text", 
            y= c(0.989, 0.95, 0.89, 0.83, 0.75, 0.40, 0.12, 0.04), 
            label =c(   "Managers", 
                        "Technicians and associate professionals", 
                        "Clerical support workers", 
                        "Service and sales workers", 
                        "Craft and related trades workers", 
                        "Plant and machine operators, and assemblers", 
                        "Elementary occupations and skills agricultural, forestry and fishery workers"), 
                    hjust = 0, size=I(3)) +
  annotate("rect", xmin = 2018, xmax = 2023, ymin = 0, ymax = 1, alpha = 0.3, fill = "gray") +
  annotate("text", label = "Projections", x=2019, y=0.9, vjust=1, hjust=0, size=I(4)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2018, colour = "red") + 
  labs(caption = "Source: ilostat", 
       title = "Global employment distribution by occupation -- modelled estimates, Nov. 2018") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size=12, face="bold.italic"))

Box plot of Labour force participation

# BoxPlot
# Data: Labour force participation rate (5 points in time) by sex


dat_emp4 <- get_ilostat(id = 'EAP_2WAP_SEX_AGE_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filters = list(time = c('1990', '2000', '2010', '2018', '2030'), sex=c('F', 'M'), classif1='AGGREGATE_TOTAL')) %>% 
  filter(str_sub(ref_area,1,1) != 'X') %>%  
  mutate(sex_lab = ifelse(sex=='SEX_F', 'Women', ifelse(sex=='SEX_M', 'Men', NA))) %>%
  mutate(sex_year = ifelse((sex=='SEX_F' & time=='2030'), 'Women - Projection', ifelse((sex=='SEX_M' & time=='2030'), 'Men - Projection', ifelse((sex=='SEX_F' & time!='2030'), 'Women - Estimate', ifelse((sex=='SEX_M' & time!='2030'), 'Men - Estimate', NA))))) %>%
  mutate(lfpr = obs_value/100) %>%
  select(ref_area, sex_lab, sex_year, time, lfpr)%>%
  group_by(sex_year, time) %>%
  mutate(MD = median(lfpr)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(MD = as.character(MD))

ggplot(dat_emp4, aes(x=time, y=lfpr, fill=sex_year, alpha=sex_year)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~sex_lab) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme (legend.position="none") +
  scale_alpha_manual(values=c(0.7,0.2, 0.7, 0.2)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("yellow","yellow","turquoise4","turquoise4")) +
  labs( x="", 
        y="LFPR (%)",
        title = "Labour force participation rate by sex ILO modelled estimates, July 2018", 
        caption = "Source: ilostat") + 

Principal component analysis of SDG indicators

# PCA of SDG indicators
# author : Mabelin Villarreal-Fuentes

# SDG's: 
# 1 [1.1.1] Working poverty rate, Total, 15+ (150 obs)
# 2 [1.3.1] 2016 -- Proportion of population covered by SP floors/systems, T = (Population covered by at least one social protection benefit)
# 3 [5.5.2] Female share of employment in managerial positions (%), Total managment
# 4 [8.2.1] Annual growth rate of output per worker (measured as GDP in constant 2011 international $ in PPP)   
# 5 [8.3.1] Proportion of informal employment in non-agricultural employment -- Harmonized series (%)
# Not included -- 6 [8.5.1] 2014 -- Average hourly earnings of female and male employees
# 7 [8.5.2] Unemployment rate (%)   
# 8 [8.6.1] 2014 -- Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training
# Not included -- 9 [8.7.1] 2014 -- Proportion of children engaged in economic activity and household chores (%)
# 10 [8.8.1] 2015 -- Non-fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers (%)
# 11 [8.8.1] 2015 -- Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers (%)    
# 12 [9.2.2] Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (%)
# 13 [10.4.1] 2015 -- Labour income share as a percent of GDP (%)

#Retrieving the information
dat_sdg_1 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0111_SEX_AGE_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017', sex = 'T', classif1='AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15')) %>% mutate(SDG_0111 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0111)
dat_sdg_2 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0131_SEX_SOC_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2016', sex = 'T', classif1 = 'SOC_CONTIG_TOTAL')) %>% mutate(SDG_0131 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0131)
dat_sdg_3 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0552_OCU_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017', classif1 = 'OCU_MGMT_TOTAL')) %>% mutate(SDG_0552 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0552)
dat_sdg_4 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0821_NOC_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017')) %>% mutate(SDG_0821 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0821)
dat_sdg_5 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_B831_SEX_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017', sex = 'T')) %>% mutate(SDG_B831 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_B831)       
dat_sdg_7 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0852_SEX_AGE_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017', sex = 'T', classif1 = 'AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15')) %>% mutate(SDG_0852 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0852)
dat_sdg_8 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0861_SEX_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2014', sex = 'T')) %>% mutate(SDG_0861 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0861)
dat_sdg_10 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_N881_SEX_MIG_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2015', sex = 'T', classif1 = 'MIG_STATUS_TOTAL')) %>% mutate(SDG_N881 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_N881)
dat_sdg_11 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_F881_SEX_MIG_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2015', sex = 'T', classif1 = 'MIG_STATUS_TOTAL')) %>% mutate(SDG_F881 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_F881)
dat_sdg_12 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_0922_NOC_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2017')) %>% mutate(SDG_0922 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_0922)
dat_sdg_13 <- get_ilostat(id = 'SDG_1041_NOC_RT_A', segment = 'indicator', filter = list(time = '2015')) %>% mutate(SDG_1041 = obs_value) %>% select(ref_area, SDG_1041)

# Merging of all indicators; PSE left out of the analysis to avoid distorting the relationships between the rest
# of reference areas
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg_1, dat_sdg_2, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_3, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_4, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_5, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_7, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_8, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_10, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_11, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_12, by='ref_area')
dat_sdg <- full_join(dat_sdg, dat_sdg_13, by='ref_area') %>%
  filter(str_sub(ref_area,1,1) != 'X') %>%  filter(ref_area != 'PSE')

# Missing values treatment 

# 1. Counting values equal to NA
dat_sdg$na_count <- apply(, 1, sum)
# keeping only those countries with 70% or more information -> na_count no more that 3
# 54 of 183 countries; 
dat_sdg <- dat_sdg %>% subset(na_count<=3)  %>% select(ref_area:SDG_1041) %>%
  column_to_rownames(var = "ref_area")

# 2. Imputation using missMDA
# Estimate the number of dimensions necessary retain avoid overfitting 
nb <- estim_ncpPCA(dat_sdg, ncp.min = 1, ncp.max = 5)
imp_dat_sdg <- imputePCA(dat_sdg, ncp = 1)$completeObs %>% %>%
  select(SDG_0131, SDG_0552, SDG_0821, SDG_0852, SDG_0861, SDG_N881, SDG_F881, SDG_0922, SDG_1041, SDG_0111, SDG_B831)

# 3. -- PCA ---
results_0 <- PCA(imp_dat_sdg, quanti.sup = 10:11)

# Retaining 3 principal components
results <- PCA(imp_dat_sdg, quanti.sup = 10:11, ncp = 3)
summary(results, nbelements=Inf)

# Description of the dimensions

# Plots
# plot(results, cex=0.8, auto = "y", shadow = TRUE)
# plot(results, cex=0.8, choix="var", shadow = TRUE)

# Plots for the 2nd and 3rd axis
# plot(results, cex=0.5, choix="ind", axes=2:3)
# plot(results, cex=0.5, choix="var", axes=2:3)

# Visualization (correlation circle and individuals cloud in one graph)
fviz_pca_biplot(results, col.ind="cos2", geom = "text") +
  scale_color_gradient2(low="white", mid="blue", high="red", midpoint=0.50)

Pyramid chart of Labour force distribution


 test_ref_area = 'FRA'
 test_time <- '2018'
 test_indicator <- c('EIP_2EIP_SEX_AGE_NB', 'EAP_2EAP_SEX_AGE_NB')
 test_age <- c("AGE_5YRBANDS_Y15-19", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y20-24", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y25-29", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y30-34", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y35-39", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y40-44", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y45-49", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y50-54", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y55-59", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y60-64")
 test_sex <- c('SEX_M', 'SEX_F')
 test_source = 'ILO modelled estimates, May 2017'
 ref_area_name <- label_ilostat(test_ref_area, dic = 'ref_area')
 ref_age <- label_ilostat(test_age, dic = 'classif1') %>% str_split( pattern = ': ',simplify = TRUE) %>% .[,2]
 ref_sex <- label_ilostat(test_sex, dic = 'sex') %>% str_split( pattern = ': ',simplify = TRUE) %>% .[,2]
 color_code <- c("#3585E7","#F0D285")

 X          <-  get_ilostat(id = paste0(test_ref_area, '_A'), 
                            segment =   'ref_area', 
                            filters =   list(   indicator = test_indicator, 
                                            time = test_time, 
                                            ref_area = test_ref_area, 
                                            classif1 = test_age, 
                                            sex = test_sex),
                            cache = FALSE) %>% 
                    select(indicator, classif1, obs_value, sex) %>% 
                    mutate( classif1 = label_ilostat(classif1, dic = 'classif1') %>% str_split( pattern = ': ',simplify = TRUE) %>% .[,2], 
                            sex = label_ilostat(sex, dic = 'sex') %>% str_split( pattern = ': ',simplify = TRUE) %>% .[,2]) %>% 
                    spread(indicator, obs_value) %>% 
                    select_(.dots = list("sex", "classif1", val1 = test_indicator[1], val2 = test_indicator[2] ))
 sideLeft   <-  X %>% 
                    filter(sex %in% ref_sex[1]) %>% 
                    select(-sex,-classif1) %>% 
                    select(val2, val1) %>% 
                    mutate( #val1 = val1 - val2, 
                            TOT = val2 + val1, 
                            STOT = TOT / sum(TOT) * 100, 
                            SHval2 = val2 / TOT * STOT, 
                            SHval1 = val1 / TOT * STOT) %>% 
                    select(SHval2, SHval1) %>% as.matrix 
 sideright  <-  X %>% 
                     filter(sex %in% ref_sex[2])%>% 
                    select(val2, val1) %>% 
                    mutate( # val1 = val1 - val2,
                            TOT = val2 + val1, 
                            STOT = TOT / sum(TOT) * 100, 
                            SHval2 = val2 / TOT * STOT, 
                            SHval1 = val1 / TOT * STOT) %>% 
                    select(SHval2, SHval1) %>% as.matrix 
 Label  <-  X %>% distinct(classif1) %>% .$classif1 

 FirstPar   <-  pyramid.plot(   
                    lx = sideLeft,
                    rx = sideright,
                    labels = Label,
                    unit = "%",
                    lxcol = color_code,
                    rxcol = color_code,
                    laxlab = c(0, 5, 10),           # left side axes
                    raxlab = c(0, 5, 10),           # right side axes
                    top.labels = c("Male", "Age", "Female"),
                    gap = 1.5                           # place for age labels
                ) +
                mtext(  # give it a title
                    text = paste0(ref_area_name , ", labour force distribution, ", test_time),
                    side = 3,
                    line = 2,

 # legend(  ### stick in a legend
                    # par('usr')[1],
                    # par('usr')[4],
                    # c("Labour force","Outside Labour force"),
                    # fill = color_code, 
                    # border = '#FFFFFF', 
                    # bty  = 'n') 
 # par( ### don't forget to restore the margins and background
        # mar = FirstPar,
        # bg = "transparent") 

Column chart of unemployment rate (vertical bars)

 ref_region <- c('World', 'Asia and the Pacific', 'Americas', 'Europe and Central Asia', 'Africa', 'Arab States')
 code_region <- get_ilostat_toc(segment = 'ref_area') %>% filter(ref_area.label %in% ref_region)
 X <-   get_ilostat(id = 'UNE_2EAP_SEX_AGE_RT_A', 
                        filters = list( ref_area  = code_region$ref_area, 
                                        sex = 'SEX_T', 
                                        classif1 = 'AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15', 
                                        time = '2017'), 
                        cache = FALSE) %>% 
                mutate(ref_area.label = label_ilostat(ref_area, dic = 'ref_area') %>% factor(.,levels = ref_region))  %>% 
                arrange(obs_value) %>% 
                spread(sex, obs_value)
            x = ~ref_area.label, 
            y = ~SEX_T, 
            type = 'bar') %>%
         title = list(  text  = "Global and regional unemployment rates, 2017", 
                        font = list(size = 18)),
         xaxis = list(  title = "", 
                        tickfont = list(size = 18)
         yaxis = list(  title = "Percentage", 
                        titlefont = list(size = 18),
                        tickfont = list(size = 18)
        annotations = 
                list(   # x = 1.18, y = - 0.058,
                        x = 1 , y = 1,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

Time series of Labour force participation rate

require(ggplot2, quiet = TRUE)
require(dplyr, quiet = TRUE)

  get_ilostat(id = 'EAP_DWAM_NOC_RT_A', 
              time_format = 'num', 
              filters = list( ref_area = c('FRA', 'USA', 'DEU'), 
                              timefrom = 2005, timeto = 2017))  %>% 
  select(ref_area, time, obs_value) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = obs_value, colour = ref_area)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  ggtitle('Male labour force participation rate in selected countries, 2005-2017') + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(2005, 2017, 3)) +
  labs(x="Year", y="Male LFPR (%)", colour="Country:") +  
  theme(legend.position = "top", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Column chart of unemployment rate (vertical bars)

 ref_region <- c('World', 'Asia and the Pacific', 'Americas', 'Europe and Central Asia', 'Africa', 'Arab States')
 code_region <- get_ilostat_toc(segment = 'ref_area') %>% filter(ref_area.label %in% ref_region)
 X <-   get_ilostat(id = 'UNE_2EAP_SEX_AGE_RT_A', 
                        filters = list( ref_area  = code_region$ref_area, 
                                        sex = c('SEX_M', 'SEX_F'), 
                                        classif1 = 'AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15', 
                                        time = '2017'), 
                        cache = FALSE) %>% 
                mutate(ref_area.label = label_ilostat(ref_area, dic = 'ref_area') %>% factor(.,levels = ref_region))  %>% 
                arrange(obs_value) %>% 
                spread(sex, obs_value)
 plot_ly(   data = X , 
            x = ~ref_area.label, 
            y = ~SEX_M, 
            type = 'bar', 
            name = 'Male') %>%
 add_trace( y = ~SEX_F, 
            name = 'Female') %>%
 layout(    title = list( text = "Global and regional unemployment rates by sex, 2017"),
            xaxis = list(   title = "", 
                        tickfont = list(size = 12)
            yaxis = list(   title = "Percentage", 
                        titlefont = list(size = 12),
                        tickfont = list(size = 12)
            barmode = 'group',
        annotations = 
                list(   x = 0.1, y = -0.07,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

Facet distribution of Employment by economic class


    get_ilostat(id = 'EMP_2EMP_SEX_AGE_CLA_DT_A', 
                filters = list( ref_area = 'ZAF', 
                                time = '1999', 
                                sex = c('M', 'F'), 
                                classif1 = c('Y15-24', 'YGE25'))) %>% 
    filter(!classif2 %in% 'CLA_ECOCLA_TOTAL') %>% 
    mutate( sex =       factor(sex) %>% recode_factor(
                                'SEX_M' = 'Male', 
                                'SEX_F' = 'Female'), 
            classif1 =  factor(classif1) %>% recode_factor(
                                'AGE_YTHADULT_YGE25' = 'Adult', 
                                'AGE_YTHADULT_Y15-24' = 'Youth'),
            classif2 =  factor(classif2) %>% recode_factor(
                                'CLA_ECOCLA_USDLT2' = '<US$1.9', 
                                'CLA_ECOCLA_USDGE2LT3' = '>=US$1.9 & <US$3.2', 
                                'CLA_ECOCLA_USDGE3LT5' = '>=US$3.2 & <US$5.5', 
                                'CLA_ECOCLA_USDGE5' = '>=US$5.5')) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y=obs_value, x=as.factor(classif1), fill=classif2)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    facet_wrap(~as.factor(sex)) + coord_flip() +
    theme(legend.position="top") +
    labs(x="Age group", y="Distribution of economic class (%)", fill="Economic class : ",
        title = "Employment by economic class, sex and age, South Africa, 1999") +   
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + 
    scale_fill_brewer(type = "div")

Bar chart of unemployment rate (Horizontal)

 ref_region <- c('World', 'South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific', 'Southern Asia', 'Eastern Asia', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', 'Central Asia', 'Arab States','Northern Africa', 'Northern America', 'Eastern Europe', 'Northern, Southern and Western Europe' )
 code_region <- get_ilostat_toc(segment = 'ref_area') %>% filter(ref_area.label %in% ref_region)

 test <-    get_ilostat(id = 'UNE_2EAP_SEX_AGE_RT_A', 
                        filters = list( ref_area  = code_region$ref_area, 
                                        sex = c('SEX_M', 'SEX_F'), 
                                        classif1 = 'AGE_YTHADULT_YGE15', 
                                        time = '2017'), 
                        cache = FALSE) %>% 
                mutate(ref_area.label = label_ilostat(ref_area, dic = 'ref_area') %>% factor(.,levels = ref_region))  %>% 
                arrange(obs_value) %>% 
                spread(sex, obs_value)
 plot_ly(   data = test , 
            y = ~ref_area.label, 
            x = ~SEX_M, 
            type = 'bar', 
            name = 'Male', 
            orientation = 'h') %>%
 add_trace( x = ~SEX_F, 
            name = 'Female') %>%
 layout(    title = list(text = "Global and regional unemployment rates by sex, 2017",
                        font = list(size = 18)),
            yaxis = list(   title = "", 
                            tickfont = list(size = 12)
            xaxis = list(   title = "Percentage", 
                            spikethickness = 30,
                            titlefont = list(size = 12),
                            tickfont = list(size = 12)
            barmode = 'group',
            margin = list(
                            t = 50,  # top margin
                            r = 200, # right side margin
                            b = 50,  # bottom margin
                            l = 400, # left side margin
                            pad = 5),
            annotations = 
                list(   x = 1.4, y = - 0.11,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

Histogram of Labour force

 ref_region <- c('World')
 code_region <- get_ilostat_toc(segment = 'ref_area') %>% filter(ref_area.label %in% ref_region)
 test_age <- c("AGE_5YRBANDS_Y15-19", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y20-24", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y25-29", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y30-34", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y35-39", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y40-44", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y45-49", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y50-54", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y55-59", "AGE_5YRBANDS_Y60-64")

 X <-   get_ilostat(id = 'EAP_2EAP_SEX_AGE_NB_A', 
                        filters = list( ref_area  = code_region$ref_area, 
                                        sex = c('SEX_T'), 
                                        classif1 =  test_age, 
                                        time = '2017'), 
                        cache = FALSE) %>% 
                mutate( ref_area.label = label_ilostat(ref_area, dic = 'ref_area') , 
                        classif1 = label_ilostat(classif1, dic = 'classif1') %>% str_split( pattern = ': ',simplify = TRUE) %>% .[,2] %>% as.factor, 
                        obs_value = obs_value / 1000) %>% 
                select(classif1, obs_value) 

            x = ~classif1,
            y = ~obs_value,
            type = 'bar') %>%
 layout(title = list(text = "Global labour force by age band (ages 15 to 64), 2017",
                        font = list(size = 18)),
         xaxis = list(  title = "", 
                        tickfont = list(size = 12)
         yaxis = list(  title = "Percentage", 
                        titlefont = list(size = 12),
                        tickfont = list(size = 12)
         annotations = 
                list(   x = 1, y = - 0.07,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

World map of Youth unemployment rate


dat <- get_ilostat(id = 'UNE_2YAP_NOC_RT_A', filters = list(time = '2017')) %>% 
            filter(!str_sub(ref_area,1,1) %in% 'X') %>% 
            select(ref_area, obs_value) %>% 
            left_join(  Rilostat:::ilostat_ref_area_mapping %>% 
                            select(ref_area, ref_area_plotly)%>% 
                            label_ilostat(code = 'ref_area'), 
                        by = "ref_area") %>% 
            filter(!obs_value %in% NA)

dat %>% 
            z = ~obs_value, 
            text = ~ref_area.label, 
            locations = ~ref_area_plotly
        ) %>% 
            colors = 'Blues',
            marker = list(
                        line = list(
                            color = toRGB("grey"), 
                            width = 0.5)
            showscale = TRUE
        ) %>%
            title = '%', 
            len = 0.5
        ) %>%
          title = 'Youth unemployment rate in 2017 (ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2018)', 
          geo = list(   
                    showframe = FALSE,  
                    showcoastlines = TRUE, 
                    projection = list(type = 'Mercator'), 
                    showcountries = TRUE, 
                    resolution = 110), # or 50
            annotations = 
                list(   x = 1, y = 1,
                        text = "Source: ilostat", 
                        showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper', 
                        xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
                        font=list(size=15, color="blue"))

Triangular graphs of Labour underutilization indicators


triangle <- get_ilostat(id = c('EIP_WDIS_SEX_AGE_NB_A', 
                        filters = list(
                                      ref_area = c('ZAF', 'MNG', 'CHL'), 
                                      source = 'BA',
                                      sex = 'SEX_T', 
                                      classif1 = 'YGE15', 
                                      time = '2013'),
                              detail = 'dataonly', 
                              cmd = "dat %>% select(ref_area, indicator, obs_value)", 
                              quiet = TRUE) %>%
            label_ilostat() %>%
            group_by(ref_area.label) %>%
            mutate(obs_value = obs_value / sum(obs_value)) %>% ungroup() %>%
            mutate(indicator.label = indicator.label %>% 
                                      str_replace(fixed(' by sex and age (thousands)'), '')) %>%
            spread(indicator.label, obs_value)

par(cex=0.75, mar=c(0,0,0,0))
positions <- plotrix::triax.plot(
                      as.matrix(triangle[, c(2,3,4)]),
                      show.grid = TRUE,
                      main = 'Selected labour underutilization indicators',
                      label.points= FALSE, point.labels = triangle$ref_area.label,
                      col.axis="gray50", col.grid="gray90",
                      pch = 19, cex.axis=1.2, cex.ticks=0.7, col="grey50")
ind <- which(triangle$ref_area.label %in%  triangle$ref_area.label)

df <- data.frame(positions$xypos, geo =  triangle$ref_area.label)

points(df$x[ind], df$y[ind], cex=2, col="red", pch=19)

text(df$x[ind], df$y[ind], df$geo[ind], adj = c(0.5,-1), cex=1.5)